Geospatial and Internet of Things Technology
Vallaris and JetStream are Software as a Service on cloud computing platform that provides GIS web mapping tool or streaming data for storage, analysis and visualize in a web browser
About our company
i-bitz, the geomatics company
i-bitz, which has highly experienced in geoinformatics technology and geographic information system. We have professional staff to provide inventive and innovative solutions to solve your immediate problems related to geoinformatics technology. Nearly 15 years in business, we have a lot of success stories with the government sector in web and mobile GIS technology such as Thailand Budget Monitoring at Bureau of the Budget, Statistical GIS of National Statistical Office.
We are pleased to discuss with you and design the project to meet the need of an individual work or the need of your organization. To work with us, you will not only have the best solution for your project with the best affordable pricing but also have the great expert consultancy service from our expertise for geoinformation technology.
Company Target
Our Target
We were born from a research lab in Mahidol University, so we have a strong analytical mind and fluently work under research environment which makes our company can deliver more than system but come with analysis and consult in our works. We are looking for the best spatial based solution in every business we get in since small to enterprise level.
We are focusing on geospatial technology and related. In 2015, we are moving to horizontal business by starting to integrate business intelligence tools into geospatial solution. We are exciting in this area and hopefully in our way can change customer perception in geospatial technology.
Geospatial technology should easy to use and understand, not specific to his users or IT guys, therefore we are doing our best to simplify these things to users.
What we have done
Geospatial application with our company
We are doing in geospatial business for more than 15 years, mostly our clients are government sector only some are the private sector. Applications we have done are serious geospatial related technology which allows making a complex spatial analysis. moreover we also interesting in visualization which seamlessly integrated between spatial data and non-spatial data. More than 50 projects from 2004 to the present we have done.
What is our products and services?
We are proud to present you our products.
Vallaris, is a Software as a Service on a cloud computing platform that provides GIS and web mapping tool for storage, analysis and visualizes in a web browser. The Map APIs let developers build their own value-added products based on location data and map visualization.
JetStream is a data storage platform especially for streaming data such as IoT device or streaming video or streaming data from any source (eg. social media)

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